Sharmi on the Trot

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Review: Teacupsfull – All For The Love Of Tea


Different teas from Teacups Full

My earliest memories of tea have all to do with those old Victorian china cups on dainty saucers. As adults sipped their morning and evening teas, I’d be enamoured by the fresh smell. When I’d ask for a taste, I’d be repeatedly told it’s a drink for ‘grown ups’ and a glass of hot milk would be thrust towards me. But as a bonus, I’d get a Marie biscuit (found in all Bengali households) and I’d be overjoyed, forgetting all about the tea I’d actually wanted. I would happily dunk the biscuit into my hot milk and would watch for that precarious moment when it softened enough to be able to melt in the mouth, but not too much as otherwise it would fall into the depths of what I imagined was a gigantic glass.

As a child growing up with a father in the tea business, I’d remember the visits when the pater would come back from the gardens with different types of leaves to be consumed over the next few months. First Flush, Second Flush, Orthodox, CTC – the terms would be as alien to me as physics still is.

As I grew up, drinking tea in the morning became a routine. A hot mug of tea (the dainty cups can only hold so much) and I’d be all set for the day. But the older I’ve gotten, I’ve come to understand or appreciate the taste of tea that’s brewed well. Today the tea cupboard overflows with containers that store different leaves and for me to be able to function, I need a giant mug in the morning. The type of leaves that I brew depends on the mood.

As a food blogger and reviewer, I’m happiest when I get to try out products which are close to my heart. And when the product is absolutely on point, you feel so good that you want to be able to express your overflowing emotions. I recently got the chance to review Teacupsfull and just absolutely loved the product. As a tea lover or a novice who wishes to be introduced to tea, I’d definitely recommend buying from Teacupsfull.


Seven teas to taste from Teacups Full along with an instruction card

Teacupsfull is a family-run venture, a family who has tea running in their veins. They bring to the market loose leaf tea. The best quality tea is sourced from gardens in Bengal, Assam and Sikkim and packaged with care for consumers. They have a great variety and you can choose what tickles your fancy. Green, black, white, organically flavoured, CTCs for the people who can’t do without their masala chais, Teacupsfull has them all. And best of all, their teas are accompanied by cards which are very informative about the brewing process, the time needed and of course additions which should or should not be used.

For a novice tea drinker, do invest in a good tea pot. Theres’s nothing more inviting than a freshly brewed pot of tea with little cookies (A very Bengali tea-time thing!).

I tasted a wide range of teas from Teacupsfull and was delighted with them all. The leaves are superior in quality and when brewed, smell fantastic. The tasting is the next part. Just keep in mind the brewing time because otherwise the bitterness leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


White tea in a white cup, but of course!

The Moonlight White Tea (above) is exquisite in taste. The golden colour warms your heart and the slight sweetness uplifts your mood. I’d suggest having it without milk or tea because otherwise the additional sweetness will overpower the delicate taste.

The Organic Sikkim Black Orthodox has a rounded woody flavour. From the Bermiok estate, the leaves have a very distinct taste and it’s best enjoyed when brewed about 4 minutes. I prefer my teas without milk but do add if you like your tea that way.


The leaves from Bermiok in Sikkim have a distinct flavour

The High Elevation Darjeeling Black is a prized first flush. The colour isn’t black unlike what the name suggests and the taste is slightly floral. Do not add milk to this tea! You’ll ruin the taste completely!


The prized first flush

The Assam Gold Orthodox is your typical breakfast tea. The one you’re used to consuming in the morning for years. I prefer not to brew it too strong, though you can. Brewing the leaves for about 3 minutes makes it strong enough for me, though the father would strongly disagree!


Your typical breakfast tea, strong and flavoursome

The Cinnamon Green is blended with green tea leaves and cinnamon. The pale yellow colour and strong smell of cinnamon makes this a very healthy option because of rich anti-oxidants.


Just what’s needed when reading The Little Prince for the umpteenth time.

The Darjeeling Green Pearl is organic in every way possible. The light colour is soothing as is the floral flavour but what I love about the pearls is the unfurling! Yes, very childish I know! Do not have milk with this tea, maybe just a bit of honey and steep the pearls for about four minutes.


The pearls unfurling is the best part.

For all masala chai lovers, fret not. Teacupsfull have their own blend of Assam CTC with aromatic spices. Add milk to your hearts content and savour the taste every morning. The flavour is strong with the spices but on a rainy day when you decide to bunk work on a whim, it’s best accompanied with homemade pakodas!

Check out more products from Teacupsfull here
Pocket pinch: Depends on the type of tea you wish to purchase
Product rating: 5/5

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